Wednesday 6 July 2016

Top 15 business tax deduction

          Tax is one of the main issue every business face small business owner face tax at end of every year cant mess with the income tax department  if you do (tax + penalty) for evading tax but there is no rules that say you can’t take deduction regarding  the expenses of the company 

     Tax deduction help you reduce the tax burden but you can’t clam all your expenses as deduction but some of them can be deducted 

Important tax deduction small business can have 

  1  Travels : travels is one of the good tax deduction for small business you have to travel for business purpose form one place to another that doesn’t have to be long trip but related to the business
      Cost of plane , car operating cost fuel cost all the cost related to travels meal, telephone can be deducted travel deduction should related to business not personal purpose 

  2 Expenses of running a business: if you running a business The business will have day to day expenses like adverting utilities office supplies and repairs transport these all expenses can be deducted as the current business expenses
 In capital expenses you can deduct up to $5000 of start of cost which include all the cost gone into creating your business 

  3 Charity:  if your business can make a charitable contribution to a non-profit inistute  or school can clam deduction on the donation 

  If you donate more than $250 in (US) no need to have a letter of verification from the organization 

  If you donate more than RS 10000  (India) through cheque   you need to have receipt of donation to calm the deduction 

  4 Bad debts : bad debts may or may not be deductible it may depend upon the goods and service of your business  bad debts happens in every business it up to you to utilise those bad debts for tax deduction
   If your business sold goods on the base of credit but the buyer fail to make the payment you can claim the goods as bad debts and the cost of goods can be deducted 

    Service is little complicated in the service your business can only clam deduction only after the person don’t pay after taking service from you 

  5 Employee benefit: any benefit given by the business to your employee is deductible benefit like health plans, life insurance, uniform allowance, travel allowance; house rent allowance   any kind of allowance is given by the business to the employee is deductible 

  6 Theft and loss :  loss can be deductible when starting business you have some loss in business those loss can be deductible  theft if that can’t be avoidable  can be deductible But accidental loss cant be considered in deduction 

  7 Gift: employee gift are full deductible and any gift the business give to client is also deductible is up to $25 a year per person 

  8 Advertising and promotion : advertising cost of the business  and promotion is total deductible as long as it is a current expense  any cost related to promotion of business  in yellow page ads  is deductible
  9 Software: any software brought by the business for business use like management software and finance ,account software is deductible with in 36 month  

       These days software is expensive than hard ware and every business use some kind of software like security software  if the software some with the computer it is not treated as separate  it is considers as part of computer  ( only those software is deducted which are bought separately )

  10 Professional fees :  any business expenses related to account or internal audit done by the business is  deductible   (lawyer , accountant , auditor , consulting ) there fees related to business is deductible 

 11 Rent: rent related to business office on the property used for the business is deductible 

 12 Repair and maintenance: any cost to repair or maintenance charge related to business and keep running of business is deductible    

 13 Taxes: any tax charged  or already paid taxes on running your business is deductible means you are not going to pay the tax you already paid do you means its totally deductible

 14 Office equipment:  any furniture bought by the business and the equipment is deductible and desperation is also deductible from year to year  

 15 Home office : if you dedicate your home room for the business purpose it can be deduction the room should well organized for the business purpose  having a single laptop wont do