Tuesday 5 July 2016

venture capital

Venture capital 

          VC is a fund that is available for investment in an enterprise which offers the probability of profit along with the possibility of loss its also called risk capital term venture capital comprises two words ( venture and capital )
                      Venture is a course of proceeding associated with risk whose outcome is uncertain the word capital here means the financial resource to start an enterprise .In other words the venture capital is the capital available for ventures associated with new technology ,production or process involving considerable amount risk 

         VC is financing the investor who provide fund to a start up company and small business that are believed to have long term growth potential its also mean financing a expansion of company that have already demonstrated their business potential but do not yet have access to the funding source 

Features of venture capital 

  • ·         Venture capital is usually in the form of an equity participation it may also take the form of convertible debt or long term loan
  • ·         Venture capital is a investment not liquid A venture capitalist cannot realise his money on demand  no repayment way the hole investment is loss if the enterprise is unsuccessful
  • ·         In VC investment are made in the enterprise using new technology to produce new product in order to gain more profit
  • ·         VC join the enterprise as co promoter or as a partner in a project and share the risk and reward
  • ·         In Venture capital is for high risk but high growth potential project
  • ·         The venture reach full potential the venture capitalist disinvest his holding either to the promoters or in the market the basic objective of investment is not profit but capital appreciation at the time of disinvestment
  • ·         Venture capital is for the new idea new technology and not for the enterprise who are engage in booking trading and agency work
  • ·         Venture capital is funding the small and medial level company who is need of fund for there project
Venture capital stage

               VC may take various form at different stages of the project there are four stage of development of a project  development of project idea Implementation of the idea Commercial production and marketing and finally large scale investment to exploit the economic of scale and achieve stability 
Financial institute only finance the project only in the third stage or second stage but rarely from the first stage

(1)     Development of an idea  : in the initial stage venture capitalist provide seed capital for translating an idea into business proposition  it is where the all the information is collected and investigation is done regarding the project here it will normally take one year

      (2)    Implementation stage : when the firm is set a began working on the project it is the stage where the work begin its also called work stage ( product  service ) offered in the stage it is a working stage after the acquirer of finance 

      (3)    Fledging stage : in the third stage the firm is in production stage and actively in manufacturing  product the third stage is marketing and distribution stage  getting additional finance and having proper marketing infrastructure 

      (4)    Establishment stage : it is where the firm is established in the market and to expand in this stage it is where the project is successful and the firm is making profit in this stage .At the end of the establishment stage the firm Is listed on the stock exchange and at this point the venture capital disinvest  there shareholding through available exit routes

Venture capital fund 

                         VCF is a business entity whose principal commercial activity is to make investment in the highly risk oriented company whith an expectation of earning high returns in the form of capital gains the venture capital fund may be in the form of a trust 

   Venture capital fund contributes financial capital to new and young enterprise in exchange of substantial equity position in the enterprise ( it take five to eight year for the assisted firm to gain maturity in commercial functioning ) the equity value appreciates and the equity holding of the VCF are liquidated in the market to generate returns  

 Venture capital is difference from capital and finance though these three forms of financial assistace  seem  to ne the same they are different from one another seed capital is the finance provided to technocrats or entrepreneurs to meet the promoters contribution for setting up of manufacturing activity (VCF are mostly 10 year of fixed life )   
 venture capital firm >> venture capital fund 
        the money the firm invest comes form a variety of sources private ,public source those who invest in the VC are limited partners