Sunday 3 July 2016

marketing concept

Marketing concept 

     A correct understanding of marketing concept is a study of the evolved modern market determining the course of action thinking and doing thing in a way  marketing concept is direct towards to a customer satisfaction ( marketing concept is a way of doing thing in which the all the resource of an organization used to and mobilized to create stimulate and satisfy customer ) this concept tell that marketing organization in future oriented customer oriented value oriented profit oriented and used in to target the desire result 

    The organization structure that is the center of desire of the consumer the company can only make what it can sell rather and marketing is sell what firm makes
Marketing concept is an orientation or a philosophy marketing concept is an integration of marketing activities direct towards customer satisfaction
Evolution of marketing concept 

        Marketing has gone through tremendous change due to the changing market and continues developed market that has make the marketing philosophy evolved from time to time from Industrial revolution of 18th and 19th centuries and the service market of 20th centuries 

     1 product orientation philosophy
       2sales orientation philosophy
         3customer orientation philosophy
           4social orientation philosophy

  (1)Production orientation philosophy : in 1920s to 1940s the firm is under the impression that what can firm produce can sell and there no need for promotion and marketing .This marketing concept was built that a “good product don’t need good promotion” the product is good and it has a reasonable price brand than there is no need for the marketing effort promotion
                 Product >> sales
         Anything can be sold that can be produce and the firm don’t want to increases price for promotion efforts (under this the product is the starting point and there is no planning and marketing where the product is produce under the impression of product well sell after it produce)

(2)Sales orientation philosophy:  the failure of the production concept caused the look of new orientation in these stage the product is no good product if the customer don’t know  about the product  in this stage the firm use its
Aggressive salesmanship
Effective sales promotion
Advertising and public
The firm use salesman ship to adverting and to move the product of the firm “ goods are not bought but sold “ the product is sold only when the product is showed in the market no matter how good may the product is . It’s when the firm try to find the buyer for the product
                                              Product >> promotion >> sales
The sales orientation is mainly based in the promotion of the product and achieve the sales

(3)customer orientation philosophy: this concept was brought into play in 1950s and the fundamental task of business it is when the firm try to understand the customer needs wants desires and values of potential consumer .In the customer oriented the stating point is consumer before the production where the consumer specification are met totally  
                              the customer orientated concept tell that the firm should produce only the product that the consumer has need understanding the consumer needs the firm have the long term goal and profit rather than a quick sale
 customer >> marketing research >> product >> promotion >> sales  
It’s where the customer is treated as the king of the market 

(4)Social orientation philosophy: this market concept formed in 1970s to 1980s according to this concept which try to understand more than consumer needs this social orientation focus on the consumer welfare and social welfare the social welfare is all about the pollution free environment and the quality of human life EXAMPLE ( the firm not only produce the car but the fuel efficient car ) the firm try to understand the customer social responsibility and try to divide them to give the product according to their needs
The firm not only produce the product wanted by the customer but the product which is match the customer social life EXAMPLE ( the firm produce line of automobile cars from luxury  to fuel efficient ) and the customer buy what suitable for the social and daily usage 

Social concept is more than understanding the customer but understanding the customer social states buying power which play an important roal in the consumer decision making
Customer >> marketing research>> product >> promotion >> sales