Friday 17 June 2016

Business law(contract)


   The law of contract
            The law of contract may be defined as that branch of law which deal with the agreement which can be enforced through court of law ( it is the law which determines the condition and circumstances in which promises made by the parties to a contract will be legally binding on them it’s the rule that define the remedies that ate available in a court of law ) it is remedies that are available in a court of law to the aggrieved party against the party who fail to perform his part of the contract and the condition under which the remedies are available
               In business contract play a greater roal to enforce the parties to perform the promise made by the one parties to another (where the promise are made at one time and are performed at another time)  it today business the contract giver security and freedom to act to both party every business should know about contract before they start and operate 

        The main object of the law of contract is to lay down the legal rules relating to promises  their formation  there performance and enforceability Sir William ansonis to ensure that what a man has been led to expect shall come to pass and that what has been promised to him shall be performed   

          The nature of the law of contract
The law of contract dose not lay down the various rights and obligations which the law will enforce it merely lays down the limiting principal subject to which the parties may create any right and obligation for themselves the law of contract give complete freedom of a contract to the contracting parties in respect of creation of right and obligations
                       The law of contract deals with only those agreements which can be enforced through court of law only those agreement or promises which create legal obligation according to  Salmound   the law of contract is not the whole law of agreement nor is it the whole law of obligations .It is the law of those agreement which created obligation and those obligations which have their source in agreement “ it excludes obligation which are not contractual in nature and agreement which are social in nature promise made in social life which may be morally binding but do not create legal obligations Example if A promises B to attend the dinner at B house but fails to attend the promise of A certainly does not create any legal obligation on the part of A and so dose not allow B to sue A    the law of contract applies only to those contract which create obligation between the parties to the contract and not against the whole world  If a has right to receive a sum of money from B the right to exercised only against B and not against anyone else

the law of contract is the most important branch of commercial law it is the foundation on which structure of modern business is built  
the law of contract is the basis for other branches of commercial law for instance the enactment or laws relating to the sale of goods negotiable instrument  partnerships insolvency
the law of contract apply not only to the mercantile community but also to other common people every on of us enter into a number of contracts everyday we are enter into a contract and we are all regulate d by the same law of contract which regulates the activities of mercantile person

            according to Fredrick Pollockevery agreement and promise enforceable at law is a contract
  sir john salmonda contract is an agreement created and defining obligation between the parties
every contract is an agreement but every agreement is not a contract
         agreement = offer +acceptance
the agreement must have two important requisites they are (1) plurality of the party (2) free  consensus  
kinds of obligation
every agreement creates a obligation impose upon a definite person or person the necessity of doing or abstaining from doing a definite act or acts it may create legal obligation or a social obligation
legal obligation
                                  A legal obligation is a legal or tie which imposes upon a definite person the necessity of doing or abstaining from doing a definite act or acts   If A agree to buy 10 bags of sugar from B at the price of 10$ per bag there is a legal obligation
Social obligation
                              A social obligation is an obligation or duty which related to social domestic  or moral affairs or matters  there is non-performance of a social obligation the aggrieved party cannot take any legal action against the party in default

all agreement are not contracts
the agreement may create a legal obligation or a social obligation but to become a contract an agreement  must give rise to legal obligation only a agreement which create a legal obligation can become a contract

  Essential of a valid contract
    To an agreement to become a contract there are some requirement to fulfil the essential 

1 Plurality of parties : a contract is agreement enforced by law  the agreement only considered when offered by one and accepted by another there must be two person in the contract where the one is the offer and another is the accepted 

2 Offer and acceptance: there must be a valid offer and there must be a acceptance when one party offer to one that willingness to do work and the other party accept the offer that it is a valid offer  there should be a proper offer and there is no forcing the other party to accept 

3 Intention to create legal obligation: the agreement should between two party should be with legal obligation a legal relationship between them a contract for social and domestic is not a contract Example (Agreement between the husband and wife about there marriage is not a contract because marriage is not a contract) A invited B friend to attend the dinner at A house B failed to attend he dinner at A house but B failure to attend the dinner  A can’t sue B because it is not a contract 

4 Lawful consideration: an agreement must be law full supported by the law to enforced by the law a agreement only when each of the contracting parties gives something and get something on return
5 Free consent: the agreement enforced by the law it must be done free consent by the both parties first the agreement must be based on the consent of the parties (free consent is which the party enter into agreement on his own will rather force or in any other way ) the agreement is not an agreement until both the party entered in an agreement on their own will 

6 Capacities of the parties to enter in an agreement: before entered in an agreement the capacity of the party the legal capacity to enter and to performer the contract there many consideration about the party tis age (minority) lunacy idiocy drunkenness these type of person are not competent for contract 

7 Performance possibility: the agreement must be capable of being performed that the agreement can be performed and is legally done Example A agree to B that he will bring magical treasure and this is not a contract and it can’t be performed