Sunday 12 June 2016

Project Identification

Project Identification

The enterprise largely depend on the idea and success and failure of the firm largely depend on the project (project is an idea or a seed that can grow as big and successful for the enterprise ) Identification the product and working on the product is important for the growth of the enterprise
Project is a distinct mission that design to achieve understanding the project and developing with in time budget consideration

The completion of the project depend on  
  • A course of action
  • Clear objectives
  • Limitation ( Budget , time frame)
  • Profit mark 

Project Identification 

               Every enterprise have a question that the which project to select meet the market demand (project have a market) without knowing the project can’t determine the market. Project selection should base on the demand in the market knowing the market that it easy to tell the project market value
The project selecting process start with the generation of project idea In order to select the most promising project 

  (1)Knowledge of potential customer Trend and demand of certain project

 (2)Recognizing the market

 (3)Market potential to take new project or improving the old ones

 (4)Analysis the computation (heavy compaction kill the project)

 (5)Market share that the can be reached and dominated by the computer

 (6)Government policy

 (7)Restriction on the project , that are harm full

Project selection start from where the project identification end the project idea should be analyzed properly to meet the government and economic condition need to successfully plan the idea to achieve
When the project is selected
Can the enterprise perform the project effectively
The profit in the project measured in (net profit .Gross profit)
The project life cycle
The project should be measured with profit generation and the life cycle of the project
                  Big project high risk on the stake and they can’t be make profit if the life cycle is big
                  Small project can run long with little cost
Selecting a project should base on the project run and the profitability of the project 

Life cycle of the project  :
                                                               When the project has been selected the life cycle of the project began from introduction to planning Monitoring /controlling and eliminating of the project  when the project  has been completely finished

First Initiating of the project when the project has being to to take off after the selection introduction with properly which help the project to get recognizing   with proper marketing planning to take off successful

Planning the project to meet the certain requirements to get the desired result plan should be based on the budget time frame and the profit measure most of the time the planning is ignored due to save time but planning logistically save time

Executing it is the process where the project work began the work related to project  realized  at  these  stage who to do and the work should meet the requirement otherwise the plan should be revived 

 Monitoring & guiding  it’s when the project is running the manager remain in control and guide the project when there are facing problem  change in the middle or meeting the time frame is done in the monitoring 

 Closure is where the the closing stage of the project  closing stage is important because many project don’t have clear finishing stage which creating the project continue even the project is finished