Friday 10 June 2016

Business (objectives)

Business & it's objective                               

Business is an enterprise which engage in buy and selling activity   it buy raw material and sell those raw material in the market in order to generate profit business is a which deal with the buying and selling of goods manufacturing of goods  or providing service in order to earn profit 
   it's an organized and systematical human activity involve in production and purchasing of goods and service in order to sell them in profit   

 prof .Own opines'

   " business is an enterprise engaged in production and distribution of goods for sale in a market or rendering service for a price "
 the business is an process of trading the bought goods and selling those goods at higher price in the market in mean of getting profit 

If the profit is only object of the business than the firm will not succeed ( prof L. Urwick )has rightly pointed out " profit can be no more the objective of a business than eating is the objective of living " the fact remain the human begin don't live the sole purpose of living   

characteristics of business 

(1)transfer of goods
                                 the basic character of the business is that it transfer the goods at the market in order to make profit business is which sell the product in the market and try to gain profit out of it 
  the carpenter prepares furniture for his own use but it's not a ( business is the one which sell thing for profit )

(2)dealing in goods and service :
                                                    the business is dealing in good and service the goods maybe consumer goods and or product goods are the service which may be the transport service The business is which provide goods or service 

(3)profit motive :
                         profit motive is the one of the biggest and powerful stimulus for running the business the business involve in production and service in the goal of making profit 

(4)risk bearing
                        every business involve risk the business the selling of good in the market is highly in uncertainty the business sell its raw material in the market in the form of finished goods  to make profit but the profit is uncertain the business have to bear the risk involve in the market

 The objective  of business
(1) Business objectives :
                                                First the business need to have a clear objective before the future plan the  on objective will give the business clear picture of the business expansion 
     the clear defined objective help the business reach a it's goal and it's traget 
profit should not be the sole  objective of every business bur it's desire  achieve the goal over the time 
 The objective are the destination points for the business so a well defined objective is good for the business 

(2) Planning :
                           Planning is pre determined where what to do how to do and when to do plan are long term and short term to achieve certain goal and objective to good plan the business need a well defined objective 
             It may be a plan to solve the problem of the business and to achieve  the desired result  

(3) Location site setup :  
                                        The location is a where the business operate from The location is which give access to the business so selecting the site is very important for the success of the firm Infrastructure, motility, accessibility that give the business the better
(4)  Finance :
                          Finance is said to be the life blood of the enterprise the enterprise can't operate without the finance  .The firm need to know the required of the firm financial need before it starting a new operation 
 the firm should also know the source of finance the financial institute, commercial bank which lend money to the business ( finance is a important to business cannot operate without )

(5) Management
                                   Management is the which keep the business together so a better management will hold together the business in the time of crises 
                 effective use of resource, better financial management  and the full utilize of human resource a effective management will have better coordination and smooth function of business  ( often business fail because of the lake of management )

(6) Marketing
                              Every business operate in the market it benefit the business  to have knowledge of the  market and change consumer desire that help the business to understand the consumer  and help them to know the potential of the market 
                                  The marketing is a big filed that the business has to operate the understanding analysis the market help the business to operate better than with efficiency

(7) Computation :  
                                    The business is about computation having a good knowledge of the computation in the market is good for the business to know the market ability to consume 
the product 
       the firm growth is base on the market share and the ability to adopt in the market with innovation planning and consumer loyalty 

(8) Quality workforce :
                                            The enterprise success is depend on the human that work under that organization the quality work force will give the firm better contribution the better human resource the organization have the greater success the firm will get in operating