Monday 13 June 2016

Working capital (cost)

Working capital 

    We all know that enterprise need two kind of capital fixed capital and working capital but the working capital is more important to enterprise due to it’s day to day operation
           Fixed capital for need to acquire fixed asset Working capital to carry out day to day operation (working capital management is crucial for every enterprise working capital is more complicated than the fixed capital due to continue process) The working capital refer as short term asset or current asset used to day to day operation whether big or small it may also be regarded as the portion of an enterprise 

Every running business need working capital a business which is fully use the fixed capital for the supply of raw material for processing, cash for the wage power and telephone, for the stock for finished goods for meet demand & supply and giving credit to it’s customer  

The accounting principal board of the American institute of certified public accountants  has defined
       working capital something called net working capital is represent by the excess of current assets over current liabilities and identifies the relatively liquid portion of total enterprise capital which constitutes a margin of buffer for maturing obligation within the ordinary operating cycle of business “ 

Operating cycle of the working capital
                     Working capital is also called as circulating capital or revolving capital this is mainly because the say to day operation or the never ending operation continuous process where the money circulated in various form of current assets in continued manner the fund may be tied in to raw material for some period and later converted in to finished goods and than cash 

Finance is the life line of the enterprise mismanagement in finance create problem for the enterprise so the working capital in a enterprise depend on the proper regulation of the business because over circulation or under circulation

( the fixed working cost is which is fixed in day to day operation and won’t change ) but the variable working cost change according time to time with the demand and supply

Working capital management: The relationship between a firms short term assets and it’s short term liabilities. The goal of the working capital management is to ensure that a firm is able to continue its operating                                           
                To manage working capital two character of current asset (1) shot life span (2) transfer in other form of current asset The current asset have very shot life span Investment remain in a particular for current asset The life span of the current asset depend upon the tie required need to product promotion and sales
Formula for (working capital = current asset –current liabilities)  

Current asset                                                                         current liabilities     
Cash                                                                                          creditors                             
Bank                                                                                          Bill payable                                            
Debtors                                                                                     Bank overdraft                                   
Shot term investment                                                            Outstanding item                             
Bill receivable                                                                           Shot term loan                                               
Pre paid item (advance payment)                                        Unpaid dividend                                                           

Capital                                                                10000
Profit                                                                    2000
Long term borrowing                                        6000
Sundry creditors                                                4000
Bills payables                                                       500


                            Total                                        22500
Pant & machinery                                             7500
Land building                                                      4000
Furniture                                                              2500
Stock                                                                     2000
Sundry debtors                                                    2500
Bill receivables                                                    1500
Semi finished goods                                           2500

                                   Total                                 22500

The gross working capital will be
Stock                                      2000                
Sundry debtors                    2500     
Bill receivables                     1500   
Semi finished goods            2500    

Gross working capital          8500

Total current asset            8500            
Less total liabilities           
    Sundry creditors   4000      
    Bills payables         500  4500                     

Net working capital          13000              
The ratio of current assets to current liabilities will be  8500  13000 or 2:1


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