Monday 13 June 2016

Business planing

Business plan 

       Business plan is a process which the is done to meet the certain objective & overcome the obstacle The planning is a continues process in the business it is done time to time from long term to short term plan
Short term plan are meant to achieve long term plan                   
                 Business plane is a decision making tool which the business allow the business to take effective decision in solving the problems and reaching certain objectives in a logical way and setting  a goal in a step by step process to achieve
(The business plan is to use the resource available in hand and manpower and  creating a plan to achieve the goal or solving the problem)
         Budget                        Business plan 

           Planning on the base of the available budget and time frame plan should go hand to hand with the business goal
Many enterprise fail to achieve certain goal due to lack of coordination and planning ( business consider plan are time waste ) more time on plan mean less time to struggle to achieve the objective

Planning start from Business description tell what the business is made and what it should be done now and what measure should be taken in the future the business description is a tools of a business plan business description show the structure of the business how the business operate from inside out and the short term and long term goal 

Recognizing the Problem understanding the what create the problem and how to overcome them small problem (plan are created to overcome the problems) cause of the problem what kind of problem (internal external ) small problem create big obstetrical in the day to day operation understating the problem is a challenge for the business it may be in the filed or office reconsign the problem before the problem grow big and hold the business in any way

Solution in next when you completely understand the problem it isn’t very hard to find the solution to the problem even if there is no particular solution for the problem you can always try to reduce the damage but making some changes 
( most of the time planning is done to solve the problem and find the solution to the problem) A good plan can help the business find the solution planning effectively give the business to deal with the problem in the future effectively 
Analyzing computation understanding what we are up against is a crucial stage for the business the business know it had to compute in the market and it good to know against who

Target audience /market share planning on who much audience should be target and the market share that the business targeting in market

Financial plan who mush is to spent on what and when .The financial plane is the crucial planning which determined the risk profit of the business finance is not same as account it involve where the account is about present and past but the financial plan is about future it involve many element from cash inflow expense sales forecast and dealing with asset & liabilities Break even analysis

Many enterprise don’t give much needed attention to the business plan but a simple plan make a road much easier (failing to prepare is preparing to fail) plan is like preparing to overcome the obstacle 

Benefit of planning

Stay on track: plan put you in track you know what are you going and to do next

Clear objective: business plan give clear objective what is your goal achievement

Limitation: the limitation of the business its operating capability and the reach of the enterprise in the financial sector business shoe the limitation of the business with clear picture

Money management: cash inflow and out flow give the business how much we spend and how much we have earned 

Effective use of man power : planning give the business effective use of man power for the work and the daily operation the planning can utilize the man power by and the work load in the business a proper planing give full utilization of human resource  

Division of work : business can divided the work with in the department by planning the business can understand the strength and weakness of the workers and divide the work that suitable for them 

Full utilization of resource : the success business is which adopt quick and operate whit what it has planning give the business to create a work that can be done on the resource they have rather than holding operation to material

Success: business success lies in the plan (invincibility lies in defense and victory lies in offense) so the business success lies in the never ending process of planning   
          Big enterprise start with less capital but they start with the plan Example, Google started in garage , Carnegie steel , ford motor company